Outside on our construction site, the large and complicated Storm Water Runoff infrastructure continues to be a top priority for Mark Weeks, Owner and Operator of Weeks Construction. Thanks, Mark, for all your hard work, dedication and amazing abilities!
Smaller diameter white piping is buried in trenches laterally across the parking lot.

This piping joins with larger diamater black pipes.
The photo belows shows the black pipes already buried in gravel. |
This view of the parking lot shows the water retention basin in the background.
Opposite view below. The foreground shows the water retention basin. The parking lot's distance from the photographer gives you some idea of the scope of this project!
Thank you for checking in. I hope you are as thrilled and excited by what you've seen here today as I am. Before you know it, you'll be touring here in person! It will be my great priviledge to welcome you and introduce you to our first residents. Dogs and cats who have previously suffered abuse and neglect, will come here to heal and find new lives and love. They will be the pioneers in animal welfare; examples for all of us on how to really make a difference for these beautiful creatures we love so much.