Our Companions Animal Rescue is a Connecticut based organization that promises to always do the right thing for animals, regardless of the challenge or cost.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wetland Replication Process. During our initial surveys of the sanctuary land, an abandoned drainage ditch that was used for flushing waste out of the factory chicken farm was found to have small amounts of wetland plants growing within. Located in the center of our proposed "dog village", this would severely curtail our ability to build new construction. Additionally, it was becoming increasingly apparent that the abandoned structures were both an eyesore and contained contaiminated waste that was potentially leaking into the acres of beautiful marsh and wetlands located adjacent. Thankfully, the engineers and town officials approved a plan to relocate the wetland. That process began this week with an excavation and creation of a basin. The basin is level with the existing wetland and is going to be loamed and seeded with native wetland plants. The ditch will be filled in and the new wetlands will be not only double the size, but will support a greater diversity of wetland plants and encourage wetland creatures to call it their new home. We are pleased that we can commit to not only helping our companion animals in their struggles, but also help wildlife animals and plants continue to grow and thrive at the Our Companions Ashford Sanctuary!