Dear Loyal Our Companions Blog Readers,
We wanted to let you know that we've shifted blog platforms! Our new blog just launched and we have many updates planned in the coming weeks. Check us out here: sign up so you don't miss any of the latest happening!
OC Staff, Cats, Dogs, Rabbits and Hamsters
Our Companions
Our Companions Animal Rescue is a Connecticut based organization that promises to always do the right thing for animals, regardless of the challenge or cost.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
Pass The Zyrtec
Pass The Zyrtec
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Updates and Newbies in the cat cottage
Hi Everyone!
I don't know if you remember me but my name is Cookie. Several months ago I gave birth to three beautiful kittens affectionately referred to as my "crumbs". They were all adopted to wonderful homes on July 3rd, and, by now I'd bet that you are wondering how they are doing.
Well, let's just say that I couldn't be a prouder mom.
The reviews are coming in and I can thankfully say they are happy well-adjusted kittens that are so loved by their new families. (of course I never doubted that they would turn out that way).
Just take a look at their photos and I think you'll agree with me.
Here's a quick shot of them together just before they left me for their new homes. Look at those sweet innocent faces!
And now here they are in their new homes:
Biscuit and Keebler have now been renamed to Tippy and Tara and they are growing up to be such beautiful girls.
It just fills my heart with joy to hear how well they are doing - and phew! so glad that I sent them to that kitten kindergarten class. Really, it was just for a little free time for me but seems it did them a world of good. (Thanks again to their human mentors).
He went to his new home by himself but he's not alone. He's done a wonderful job of making new friends in his home and it seems he's adjusting well.
Here he is annoying his new sister Lily-
Honestly I don't know why I ever thought that would change.
And here he is hanging out with his new brother Baily.

Just take a look at their photos and I think you'll agree with me.
Here's a quick shot of them together just before they left me for their new homes. Look at those sweet innocent faces!
And now here they are in their new homes:
Biscuit and Keebler have now been renamed to Tippy and Tara and they are growing up to be such beautiful girls.
And it's so nice to hear that their human parents love them as much as I do -
love them more than words can say and cant thank you enough for all you did
with their imprint training. We can vouch for the imprint training process.
They have been happy well adjusted kittens since day one with us!"
It just fills my heart with joy to hear how well they are doing - and phew! so glad that I sent them to that kitten kindergarten class. Really, it was just for a little free time for me but seems it did them a world of good. (Thanks again to their human mentors).
Of course - there is still my little boy Graham, who now goes by the name of Reese:
He went to his new home by himself but he's not alone. He's done a wonderful job of making new friends in his home and it seems he's adjusting well.
Here he is annoying his new sister Lily-
Honestly I don't know why I ever thought that would change.
And here he is hanging out with his new brother Baily.
Still as cute - and mischievous as ever- thankfully his new family can handle him as well as I could.
"He’s doing great. Lots of energy, very mischievous and
naughty! Our favorite kind of cat! He’s full of energy, never
stops. He adores his brother Bailey and he’s still working on getting his
sisters to love him 100% of the time. Most of the time they do but they
keep him in line when needed. "
It's so nice to see that my babies are doing well.
As for me......
I was having a lot of fun with my pals Emily and Whiskers ....but then they got adopted too. So now I just have one roommate left and he's nice.... buuuut... really he's just not my type.
I try to pass the time looking at the birds and bugs outside the window
or playing with my tail ...
But after a while that just gets a little boring.
I'm looking forward to my forever family coming along too.
We know Cookie will find her forever home soon, in the meantime we are welcoming two new sweet kitties to our intake room:
There's mom Hazel and daughter Pippi.
Hazel |
Pippi |
Hi I'm Pippi. My mom and I are both really lovable and sweet - there's just one thing that I need to tell you about me though. My mom was infected with the distemper virus when I was born. Because of that, I was born with a condition known as cerebellar hypoplasia. All it really means is that I have a little trouble with my balance and walk a little different than other cats do.
Here are some videos of me that I can show you:
See- I can get around really well, except for jumping up onto things, and I'm perfectly healthy.
And another thing -mom and I love and rely on each other and give each other confidence so we need to stick together in life......
Even though mom can sometimes be a little annoying - like when I feel she's always watching everything that I do - or she knows just when I'm about to do something wrong and I get that Pippi don't you dare look....
She's still my mom and I love her!- (and it helps that I always let her believe she still in charge.)
Thanks all for checking in - we'll leave you with a peaceful picture of our girl Tabby watching the sunrise on a warm September morning.
Just proving that there is some truth to the old saying that good fences make good neighbors!
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
How Do You Beat the Heat?
The Dog Days of Summer are Here!!!
The sun is out and someone has turned up the heat these past few days so we are enjoying it the best way that we know how - pool time! We have one pup in particular that could very well be part fish (try putting that info on Petfinder...) and her name is Lucy! During Lucy's stay at the sanctuary she has learned that she is a great swimmer and loves to lounge in the water but there are also the days that her inner puppy emerges and the result is lots of pouncing and zoomies! Please check out the clip below to see what we mean:
Lucy has also showed her teachers how smart she is by demonstrating that learning can be fun too! Lucy has opted to learn her lessons in our weekly sanctuary class from the pool this week. She is learning the value of being calm while there are other dogs and activitiy occurring outside of the fence. As you can imagine, this is a skill that is difficult for certain dogs but essential to existing happily at the Our Companions Animal Sanctuary. Lucy looks like she is an excellent student.
This gal is beauty and brains all wrapped into one petite package!
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Anyone who has volunteered at the Sanctuary in the past year is familiar with our boy Frankie. He joined our feline family on May 29, 2014.
A sweet, lovable, playful and sometimes mischievous boy that you couldn't help but fall in love with.. . . And, everyone did fall in love with his sweet "childlike" behavior.
Unfortunately because he didn't really adhere to the other cats "code of conduct" at the Sanctuary, he had some trouble making feline friends.
Around the beginning of October in 2014 a frightened little girl kitten also joined our family.
Her name was Ashley.
Ashley struggled to adjust to life here and although she grew more comfortable around people, she never really adjusted to human contact.
She did however have a confidence around other cats and was somehow able to put up with Frankie's quirky behavior. Eventually they became such good friends we couldn't bear to separate them. So -we decided they would have to move on to a home as a couple.
So they waited ...and waited...and waited for their forever home to come along. And - finally it has!
A wonderful adopter met them and just fell in love with both of them accepting them unconditionally for who they are. You can't help but smile at that.
So on their last day at the Sanctuary Frankie and Ashley just hung out and relaxed like it was just another day. If only they knew that day how life was going to change for them - and how it was going to get so much better!
Go Frankie and Ashley! Cheers (from our other happy couple Snookey and Mason) and best of luck from your feline friends at the Sanctuary that are still waiting for their homes.
Yes - all good things do come to those who wait!
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Zoey checks in
I am settling in just fine. My new "parents"
treat me great.
I have my crate from Our Companions along with my blanket
so that worked out nice.
I have a nice yard to walk around in
and I get plenty of treats (because I'm a good girl).
We went to New Hampshire last weekend - it 'vas a nice ride but I slept most of the trip. I have a new (to me) crate there and a new blanket
and lots of new and different things to sniff out. You
know me ... I have a good nose for sniffing!
I have a new veterinary doctor to meet on Tuesday
and he has already received my records
so he will be all up-to-date from my last visit at the North Veterinary Office. We are
going to the Connecticut Veterinary Center, Kensington, CT.
I have a Spa Day when it's my day for lotion.
M y
Popsy (that's Bob) puts my lotion on for me and I just stand there ... as the good girl I am, until he finishes. Nary a nip. I'm
trying to get better ... sometimes I forget and let out a little growl, but I am reminded that it's not lady like to growl.
I hope the weather
is good over the 4th of July holiday so that we can take some pictures. If we do, we'll send some on to you so everyone
can see how well I
am doing.
Cookie and her crumbs- week 8
Congratulations to our kitten graduates!

Week 8 and it is time to head off to their new families and forever homes!
Hey Graham -we're really sick of you ruining all of our photos with your silly faces! So there - take this!
I think I can roll it the other way too.
That's it Graham. I've had enough!

Week 8 and it is time to head off to their new families and forever homes!
Biscuit |
keebler |
graham |
A nice shot of Biscuit - except for Graham's silly face
Hey Graham -we're really sick of you ruining all of our photos with your silly faces! So there - take this!
That's real mature Keeb - How 'bout I squish your little pin head between my paws!
I think I can roll it the other way too.
That's it Graham. I've had enough!
Oww mom! Keeblers biting me!
Really guys knock it off- here comes mom and she's not too happy!
Honestly mom. . . . . everything's fine here, we're getting along just fine.
It's been an exciting and fun time watching us play together, and we really do get along great, but
unfortunately it's time to say goodbye and move on:
We hope you have enjoyed watching us grow these past eight weeks.
We'll miss you most mom- you were great with us.
Bye kids .......I'm really going to miss you too - but I know you all are going on to great homes.
Phew! they're gone ......Are you kidding? I'll be fine. That? Well that was just for show. It's time for me to kick back and relax. My work here is soooo done!
In fact I think that I'll even treat myself to an ice cream cone.
Have a great summer all - and promise we'll pass along updates from the kids.
A very special Thank you to our volunteers that helped out every week with our kitten kindergarten-you've raised some super kittens - we couldn't have done it without your help!!
Carol Ann |
Loretta |
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Mara |
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Mary |
Annie |
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