What Are Those Patches On Your Rump, Kaylee?
Well, that's quite a story. Like many dogs in Connecticut pounds and rescues, Kaylee's is a winding tale that starts down south. Brought up north, untrained, and under-socialized, Kaylee wound up as a young, high energy pup in a local town pound. She was adopted out quickly, only to test positive for heartworm and end up being returned.
So what is a good hearted town Animal Control Officer to do with a hyper, heartworm positive pup. That's where Our Companions comes in. As we often do, we stepped in to assist with Kaylee's heartworm treatments, which is where those shaved spots on her back end came from, and to provide her a home where she could get the exercise and training she needs to be a happy and highly adoptable dog. She has since been cleared of her heartworm problems and been spayed while in our care. Now it's just time for her story to wind it's way into a perfect forever home.
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