Road Clean Up:
We were lucky enough to have a few Earth conscious girls cleaning trash from the roadways that the dogs frequently walk. This not only made it so that the roads were cleaner for our dogs but for many local dogs that also use these back roads as their means of exercise! Thanks girls!!
These great girls picked up bag after bag of trash
on the roads near the Sanctuary!
Fraternity Ground Work:
Another group that stopped by during Earth week were 8 young men from the UConn Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Lamba. They helped with a lot of outdoor projects and even helped us move some wood chips that we have been hoping to add to our trail! What a great help!!
From building this cart to spreading woodchips to
the Sanctuary trails, they were so helpful!
Wildlife Management Class Presentation:You might not have known this but we have been working closely with a Wildlife Management group from UConn this semester. They have chosen the sanctuary to be their project and have researched all aspects of wildlife and environmental issues here at the sanctuary. They were able to report on creative and helpful solutions that might be able to assist us with any problems that occur at our location. They did a lot of hard work and covered a wide variety of topics. These topics were of great interest to our feline guest/audience member, Frankie, who couldn't get close enough to the screen. We are so grateful for these students!!
Frankie posing and listening intently to learn more
about Wildlife Management at the Sanctuary
These events have been so great to host and we are so grateful for all of our wonderful volunteers! Earth week is important to all of us and impacts our animals tremendously. So if you were able to stop by and hang a colorful paper flower on our wall, read the informational posters in the cottages, make a birdfeeder for the local birds or if you just picked up one piece of trash off of the ground, we thank you!!
It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little.
Do what you can!
-Sydney Smith