Our Companions

Our Companions Animal Rescue is a Connecticut based organization that promises to always do the right thing for animals, regardless of the challenge or cost.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

We all know and love our kitchen cat Timmy. 
 Many of you are often greeted by him with his distinct hearty old meow and other times you will find him snoozing away in one of his many comfy spots in the kitchen. Since I have the pleasure of spending my days with him,
  I have captured some cute pictures of him partaking in some of his favorite things. Each picture represents an activity that he does several times throughout every single day and I just love to watch him go from one “event” to the next. He is such a sweet boy!

Aside from his favorite things such as food sampling, bird watching, sunbathing and spending time with his catnip fish friend, Timmy also loves company! It may seem hard to believe since he may seem to many of you to be quite the independent kitty. Timmy enjoys light scratches under the chin, and gentle pets on his head and back. He also doesn’t mind a quick brushing every now and then although petting is his favorite. He may even throw a few swings at the feather stick toy!! Sometimes all he needs is having someone sit in the big cozy chair by the microwave. This is something I do in the afternoons with him and he will usually crawl out of his bed and come sit on the counter next to me. I just love him!

So next time you are in for a visit, don’t forget to stop into the kitchen and give our Timmy lots of love! You can offer him some Temptations Cat Treats too! He will be very happy. J

Enjoy the pictures and I look forward to seeing you at the sanctuary soon.

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