Shall we take a look and see what they're up to?
Our pick for most creative costume goes to:
Don't worry our sweet Xavier is actually just recovering from a very successful eyelid surgery.
After years as a stray and probably too many fights, his eyelids were scarred and badly damaged. This is what our poor guy looked like before his surgery:
Our favorite orange girl Samantha has a few ideas about what she wants to be for Halloween too.
she's got the attitude down -but is still working on the costume part.
Dressing as a black cat was definitely a popular theme for the kittens this year-
although some added a little white for variety.
dominos working on the evil witch eye |
Jasper even brought along his own witch as a costume prop.
Hey! wait a minute ... this witch looks an awful lot like a mouse.
Frankie has decided to be a ghost this year..... again.
And, finally how about our sweet little Buttercup, she's all dressed up in orange? What's her costume?
Well, lucky Buttercup is just relaxing in the sun taking things easy - cause she'll be in her own new home in time for Halloween!
She's ready, and has waited a long time, and now her time has come. we'll miss you Buttercup.