Our Companions

Our Companions Animal Rescue is a Connecticut based organization that promises to always do the right thing for animals, regardless of the challenge or cost.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Activites last week:

Poured Epoxy Floor

Well completed
The Plumber also worked on installing the hot water heater, sinks & toilets.

Cabinets were delivered and install begins!

Wetland Replication Area seeded and already sprouted.

Fence install a work in progress:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Drive by the Sanctuary during the week of August 20, 2012.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012 - Landscape Plantings begin

A huge THANK YOU to the crew who made the landscaping happen this weekend at the Ashford Sanctuary. The heavy rain held off and the crew was cheerful, hard working, and skilled. As we sat down for a well-earned lunch break, the realization came over me that this was the first of many successful gatherings that will happen here. To be able to share this special time with all of you means so much. I love to think to a time in the future when we're out chatting in the parking lot after another successful animal rescue in the shade of that oak tree, we'll be able to say "remember planting day?"  

Our Companions owes our success in all things to our volunteers.....they are very impressive!!!!


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cistern Gets a Big Drink!

We thought the installation of the cistern was exciting, but the arrival of the Ashford Fire Department to fill it up was an event to remember!    Designed and approved with the help of the Ashford Fire Chief, the firefighters were happy to assist with filling our underground water tank.  The meter now reads "full" and we are ready for any emergency that may arise. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

FRP - What is it and Why do you want it in your Sanctuary?

Fiberglass Reinforced Panel.  An alternative to wall paint, this miracle material is ideal for our needs.  During their stay at the Rescue Cottage, we want our animals to feel as though they are living in a home while they heal from their physical and emotional traumas.  A big part of that feeling of peace and relaxation is not being forced to live in a cage.  Having animals loose is so much better for their well-being, but it brings forth a variety of management challenges for the people caring for them.  Cats spray urine on walls, dogs scratch and chew at times; these are normal behaviors for rescued animals.  Naturally, our goal will be to teach our new friends more productive ways of expressing themselves.  In the meantime, we need to make sure we can clean up after them and provide an environment that is user friendly for these wonderful animals.  FRP is impervious to liquids, resists scratches and bite marks, and of vital importance to prevent disease transmission, it is 100 percent disinfectable.    

August 6, 2012 - Work Continues at a Rapid Pace - Accomplishments Include:

- Cistern Caps Installed

- Front Porch Cat Proof Screen Installation Begins

- First step of landscaping is Top Soil. 

- Parking Lot Lamp Posts Installed.
- Parking Lot Final Grade & Gravel